Sunday, 20 May 2012

Serializing and Deserializing Objects…to and from…XML

Over on the Asp.Net forums I recently had the opportunity* to help a few lost souls by showing them how to serialize objects to XML and deserialize the XML back into objects. Since the question has come up more than once, I decided to BLOG it so I could refer similar questions in the future to this post.
*I use the word opportunity because by helping others I am forced to think hard about the technology and to think even harder about how to communicate the technology. It makes me better at what I do. All right then, enough after-school-special-feel-good-about-yourself-I'm-ok-you're-ok fluffy nonsense… on with the code:
Here is a simple class I'm going to work with. It has both properties and fields:
public class MyClass
    // old school property
    private int _Age;  
    public int Age  
        get { return _Age; }
        set { _Age = value; }
    // new school property
    public bool Citizen { get; set; }
    // there's nothing wrong with using fields
    public string Name;  
Here are the two functions to Serialize and Deserialize an object:
/// ---- SerializeAnObject -----------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Serializes an object to an XML string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="AnObject">The Object to serialize</param>
/// <returns>XML string</returns>
public static string SerializeAnObject(object AnObject)
    XmlSerializer Xml_Serializer = new XmlSerializer(AnObject.GetType());
    StringWriter Writer = new StringWriter();      
    Xml_Serializer.Serialize(Writer, AnObject);
    return Writer.ToString();
/// ---- DeSerializeAnObject ------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// DeSerialize an object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="XmlOfAnObject">The XML string</param>
/// <param name="ObjectType">The type of object</param>
/// <returns>A deserialized object...must be cast to correct type</returns>
public static Object DeSerializeAnObject(string XmlOfAnObject, Type ObjectType)
    StringReader StrReader = new StringReader(XmlOfAnObject);
    XmlSerializer Xml_Serializer = new XmlSerializer(ObjectType);
    XmlTextReader XmlReader = new XmlTextReader(StrReader);
        Object AnObject = Xml_Serializer.Deserialize(XmlReader);
        return AnObject;
Here is some sample code showing how to use the functions.
Note: I keep these functions (and other functions) in a class I call MiscUtilities. You will have to modify the code…depending on where you place the functions.
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // create and initialize an object
    MyClass Test = new MyClass();
    Test.Age = 18;
    Test.Name = "Rocky Balboa";
    Test.Citizen = true;
    //  Serialize it
    String XML;
    XML = MiscUtilities.SerializeAnObject(Test);
    // Deserialize it
    MyClass Test2;
    Test2 = MiscUtilities.DeSerializeAnObject(XML, typeof(MyClass)) as MyClass;
    // TODO:  Get a cup of coffee and bask in the glory of rock solid code.
Here is what the XML string looks like (after formatting):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<MyClass xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <Name>Rocky Balboa</Name>
There are limitations: XmlSerializer does not serialize private fields, methods, indexers or read-only fields.
Once you have the XML string, you can email it, store it in a database, save it to disk, or…print a copy of it and have your mom tape it to the refrigerator next to the picture of a turkey you made in second grade by tracing around your hand with a Crayola crayon.


Thursday, 17 May 2012

Simple FTP file upload in C# 2.0

Sometimes you just want a simple function to perform a simple task. There are a lot of FTP libraries for free download on the Internet, but if you simply want to upload a file to an FTP server in C#, these libraries are overkill for that simple little task. That's what I thought when I browsed the web for such a simple little function. Maybe I'm slower than normal people, but I couldn't find any simple method on the web. They where all too complicated, so I thought to myself that I could do better.
Here's what I came up with:
private static void Upload(string ftpServer, string userName, string password, string filename)
   using (System.Net.WebClient client = new System.Net.WebClient())
      client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(userName, password);
      client.UploadFile(ftpServer + "/" + new FileInfo(filename).Name, "STOR", filename);

Then call the method with the right parameters, and you're set to go:
Upload("", "TheUserName", "ThePassword", @"C:\file.txt");
Can it get any simpler than that?

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Windows Server 2008 R2 Enable Multiple RDP sessions


Server 2008 unlike its predecessors, comes with the multiple remote desktop session restriction enabled. If you are only connecting to a server for remote administration purposes that can get a bit annoying, especially if you have a generic administrative account that multiple techs are using, and you keep kicking each other off the server.
Just as with earlier versions of Windows server you CAN have two RDP sessions at any one time, the restriction is one logon for one account. Thankfully you can disable the restriction and there are a number of ways to do so.


Option 1: Enable Multiple RDP sessions from TSCONFIG

1. On the server, click Start and in the search/run box type tsconfig.msc{enter}. Locate "Restrict each user to a single session" Right click > Properties.
2. Remove the tick from "Restrict each user to a single session" > Apply > OK.

Option 2: Enable Multiple RDP sessions via the registry

1. Start > in the search/run box type regedit {enter} > Navigate to:
Locate the fSingleSessionPerUser value > Set it to 0 (Multiple sessions allowed), or 1 (Multiple sessions NOT allowed).

Option 3: Enable Multiple RDP sessions via Local Policy

1. Start > in the search/run box type gpedit.msc {enter}.
2. Navigate to:
Locate the "Restrict Remote Desktop Services users to a single Remote Desktop Services session" setting.
3. To enable multiple sessions set the policy to disabled > Apply > OK.

Option 4: Enable Multiple RDP sessions via Group Policy

1. On a domain controller > Start > in the search/run box type gpmc.msc {enter}.
2. Either edit an existing GPO that's linked to your COMPUTERS, or create a new one and give it a sensible name.
3. Navigate to:
Locate the "Restrict Remote Desktop Services users to a single Remote Desktop Services session" setting.
4. To enable multiple sessions set the policy to disabled > Apply > OK.
5. Then either reboot the clients, wait a couple of hours, or manually run "gpupdate /force" on them.
