Tuesday, 28 February 2012

T-SQL – Using a parameter in SELECT TOP clause

I’ve been working with Stored Procedures a lot recently, even though the whole idea was new to be before starting this job. Today I was trying to select the first n rows from a table, but wanted to be able to change n via a parameter in the procedure call. I thought something like the following would work, but it throws an error when trying to use the variable for the TOP clause.

    id, col1, col2, col3
FROM TestTable
After a brief Google search there were a few methods presented including such nasties as manually writing out a SQL string within the procedure and executing that instead! Also, it was suggested to change the ROWCOUNT variable before and after issuing the select. Sheesh, that’s messy.
Well anyway, the solution which works for me and is much easier is simply to wrap the variable in parenthesis and magic… it works.

-- Notice the parentheses around @Limit - that is the only change!
    id, col1, col2, col3
FROM TestTable
I’m just really noting this down so that I don’t forget, do another Google search and then resort to those other ugly ways of doing this simple task.

Beginning HTML5 Game Development – Adding Sound

  • Learn to load sound files with the <audio> tag.
  • Learn to fire off a sound as a sound effect.
  • Learn to set up a bgm variable and update it.
What game is complete without adding sound? It’s not a difficult task thanks to the <audio> tag. Currently the supported formats are wav, mp3, and ogg all with varying support from different browsers. Wav seems to be the most supported so we’ll use it. View more

JQuery Templates/View Engines in ASP.NET MVC


Microsoft ASP.NET MVC framework follows a standard MVC pattern - the Model contains data that will be shown, the Controller performs actions when some event happens, initializes the Model, and passes it to the View, and the View takes a Model and renders the HTML output that would be sent to the client browser. This architecture is shown on the following figure:
Client(browser) sends some HTTP web request to the server-side. On the server we have controllers that handles request, takes the data using the model, and pass it to the view. View generates HTML that should be sent back to client. In MVC 3, there are several view engines that can be used - standard ASP.NET view engine, Razor, Spark, NHaml, etc. All of these view engines use different syntax for generating the view; however, they are all working in the same way - the model is taken on the server-side, formatted using the template, and HTML is sent to the client browser.  View more

Monday, 20 February 2012

SQL Server memory configuration

One of the things that I frequently come across when reviewing SQL Server installations is just how many of them have not been set up with appropriate memory configuration settings, or, as in many cases, not set up in the way the administrators of the system had assumed they were; usually the dbas thought the system was set up to use all e.g. 8GB of RAM, but no changes had been made to the OS or SQL Server configuration, so their (32-bit) SQL Server would only be accessing 2 GB, and reporting that it was using 1.6 GB.
The problem is due in part to the fact that on 32-bit systems configuration changes usually have to be made both in SQL Server and at the OS level, and in part to the sprawl of documentation available on configuring SQL Server’s memory settings, as opposed to a single jumping off point which runs through all the settings and considerations that need to be made.
Add to that the black art of establishing exactly how much memory SQL Server is using (most of the obvious options will only show how much memory the buffer pool is using) and it’s easy to see why it’s such a problem area.
In this post I’ll attempt to clear some of the smog and provide what I hope will be one document which answers most of the questions that arise about configuring SQL Server’s memory usage.
This discussion will cover configuring memory for SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 (with the exception of the Resource Governor). This blog assumes an edition of SQL Server that is not internally limited in its memory usage.

32-bit or 64-bit?

There’s a big difference between the memory configuration settings between 64-bit SQL Server and 32-bit SQL Server, so it’s not possible to start a discussion about SQL Server’s memory management without clarifying whether we are dealing with 32-bit versions or 64-bit versions of the product, as this is key to how much memory SQL Server can address, and (almost as importantly) how it addresses that memory.

Configuring 32-bit SQL Server

Until fairly recently 32-bit software was ubiquitous. The server Windows operating systems were 32-bit, your desktop, usually Windows XP was 32-bit. Therefore, I’ll be focusing a fair bit on 32-bit SQL Server as this is what requires the most configuration, and also where most of the confusion lies.
So, here goes.
The amount of memory a 32-bit process can access is 2^32 or 4294967296 bytes, or 4 GB.
On a 32-bit Windows OS this 4 GB of memory is not all addressable by a single process. Instead, it’s partitioned by the OS into two address spaces. 2 GB is kept by the OS (commonly referred to as the kernel) and the remaining 2 GB is the user mode address space, or the area each application (process) will have access to. Whilst each user mode process gets 2 GB as its addressable memory range, the kernel mode area is shared between all processes. SQL Server runs in the user mode address space and is bound by default to the 2 GB of memory limit on a 32-bit OS.
This directly addressable memory will hereon be referred to by what it is more commonly known as, the virtual address space or VAS.
SQL Server’s default out-of-the-box memory limit is deliberately set to a very high value of 2147483647 , which basically means all available memory, but as you should now know, there’s no way it can actually use anywhere near that much memory, particularly on a 32-bit platform.
64-bit operating systems have a far far bigger address space open to them; 8 TB to be exact. Before you run off to your calculator to evaluate 2^64, the answer won’t be 8TB, but 8TB is what each user mode application gets due to current hardware and OS limitations. The kernel also gets 8TB and this kernel address space is shared by all processes, just as in 32-bit Windows.
Having said all that, I should point out that no current MS Windows OS can address more than 2 TB.
What this means for 64-bit SQL Server is that out of the box, it can address all the memory on a server without any special configuration changes either within SQL Server or at the OS level. The only thing you need to look at is a cap on its memory usage; capping memory usage is covered in the ‘max server memory’ and ‘min server memory’ section which is further down.

To /3GB or not to /3GB

So, as 32-bit applications are natively restricted to a 2 GB VAS, OS configuration tweaks are required to allow access to more than 2 GB, and these are covered next.
The first modification is one that, rather ironically, should be used as a last resort. Ideally, it should be used on the advice of Microsoft Support (PSS).
I’m choosing to get it out of the way now because the /3GB setting is probably the most well known and most misused.
/3GB allows a 32-bit process to increase its VAS to 3 GB by taking away 1 GB of address space from the kernel, and this is why it’s a last resort; there’s no such thing as a free lunch as the removal of 1 GB of addressable memory from the OS can introduce instability. More on that shortly.
To allow a 32-bit process to gain a 3 GB VAS you have to add the /3GB switch to the Windows boot.ini file.
As I stated, this can introduce system instability by starving the OS of System Page Table Entries (PTEs). A discussion about PTEs is out of the scope of this blog, but its effects can be dramatic and cause blue-screens. The good news is that this mainly affected Windows 2000 so you should be fine if you’re on a later Windows version.
If you’re still looking after a legacy system, there is some scope for manoeuvre here, by adding the/USERVA switch to the boot.ini it is possible to reduce the VAS increase from a straight 3 GB to a lower user-defined amount which will give the OS room to breathe, and thus resolve any instability issues.
The main reason you will be advised by PSS to use /3GB is if you are suffering VAS starvation issues, such as a bloated procedure cache as it can only reside in VAS memory (also see the next section on MemToLeave) because 32-bit version of SQL Server only allow database pages to reside in the part of the SQL Server memory cache (called the buffer pool) that is utilising awe enabled memory.


(EDIT:[20110630] The correct terminology for this is Virtual Address Space Reservation.)
Because of the inherent address space limitations of a 32-bit process, a certain amount of memory has to be set aside by SQL Server on startup that SQL Server uses for overheads. This memory is set aside in case it all gets used by the buffer pool.
COM objects, extended stored procs, third party backup solutions, some anti-virus apps, memory allocations exceeding 8K and the memory allocated to the threads SQL Server creates to service e.g. user connections come from a section of memory within the VAS but outside the buffer pool which is typically referred to as the MemToLeave area. This is 384 MB by default on an e.g. 2-proc 32-bit SQL. If you want to know more about how it is calculated, check Jonathan Kehayias’s postcovering this.
0.5 MB is the default thread stack size for a thread on 32-bit Windows. 64-bit Windows has a default stack size of 2 MB or 4 MB depending on which 64-bit flavour of Windows you are running (AMD x64 or IA64).
SQL Server 2005 and beyond uses a formula to calculate the max worker threads setting which affects the size of the MemToLeave area.
There is a SQL Server startup parameter (-g) which can be used to increase the MemToLeave area, but again, only do this if advised by PSS (it’s ignored on 64-bit as MemToLeave or VAS reservation won’t be an issue on that architecture) as this will reduce the maximum amount of memory the buffer pool can therefore use.

4 GB of RAM and beyond

So, we know 32-bit SQL Server can use 2 GB out of the box, and up to 3 GB (with an OS tweak that is best avoided, if at all possible).
However, 32-bit SQL Server can benefit from much more memory than 3 GB with the help of OS and SQL Server configuration modifications which will be covered next.


To address more than 4 GB of RAM on 32-bit Windows, the OS needs to have the /PAE switch added to the boot.ini file, although if your system supports hot-swappable memory you won’t need to add this as Windows should automatically be able to see the additional memory. If you’re not sure, take a look at how much memory the OS can see via System properties; if you have more than 4 GB installed and the OS is only showing 4 GB, review your boot.ini settings. I’m not mentioning specific Windows versions because the /PAE switch applies to all current 32-bit versions of Windows.
(EDIT:[20110630] For Windows Server 2008 you have to run ‘BCDEDIT /SET PAE FORCEENABLE’ from a CMD prompt running under administrator privileges).

Both /PAE and /3GB

Some systems have both /3GB and /PAE enabled.
This is fine as long as the system does not have more than 16 GB of RAM. Add any more memory and Windows will not recognise it because of the overhead required to manage the additional memory.


No special configuration settings regarding memory settings are required for a cluster, but I thought I better mention clusters specifically because you won’t believe how many installations there are out there where there are different settings on different nodes within the same cluster.
So, make sure any OS setting changes like /3GB or /PAE are consistently applied across all nodes.

Enable AWE

After configuring the OS, you’ll need to configure SQL Server by enabling AWE (Address Windowing Extensions). AWE is in essence a technique for ‘paging’ in sections of memory beyond the default addressable range.
AWE can be enabled in SQL Server using Query Analyzer/SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) via the following statements:

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
sp_configure 'awe enabled', 1

AWE enablement is not a dynamic option and will require a SQL Server restart, so before you do that make sure the SQL Server service account has the ‘Lock Pages in Memory’ privilege assigned to it.
Once AWE has been enabled within SQL Server and the ‘Lock Pages in Memory’ privilege has been assigned you should be good to go after a restart.

‘max server memory’ and ‘min server memory’

The more memory you give SQL Server, the greater the need to set an upper limit on how much it uses. When you start SQL Server it’ll ramp up its memory usage until it has used up all the memory it can access, which will either be an internal OS limit or a SQL Server configured limit.
A 32-bit SQL Server instance will therefore grab up to 2 GB if the workload demands it and it is on default settings.
An awe enabled SQL Server instance will go on using up all the memory on the system if the workload is there and an upper limit on its memory usage is not set.
Setting a limit has the double-benefit of not starving the OS of resources and avoiding ‘Out of memory’ errors which can occur on SQL Server systems that may have a lot of memory. The latter (rather contradictory) situation can arise because SQL Server will try and allocate more memory when it is already at the system limit (if no upper limit has been set via the ‘max server memory’ setting) instead of freeing up memory it is already using.

Configuring memory for multiple instances

A third reason to set an upper limit is if you have more than one SQL Server instance installed on a single host, as this will stop the instances competing for memory.
Allocate a high enough ‘max server memory’ limit to each instance to allow it to do its job without running into memory starvation issues, whilst reserving the bulk of the memory for higher priority instances (if any) and the OS.
This is where benchmarking comes in handy.
To set a max server memory limit of 12 GB via Query Analyzer/SSMS:

sp_configure 'max server memory', 12288
SQL Server ramps up its memory usage because by default it is set to use no memory on startup. This is controlled by the ‘min server memory’ setting. Specifying this to a higher value has the benefit of reserving a set amount of memory for SQL Server from the off which can provide a slight performance benefit, especially on busy systems. It’s actually not uncommon to see ‘min server memory’ and ‘max server memory’ set to the same value, to reserve all of SQL Server’s memory straight away. The downside is SQL Server will take slightly longer to start up than if ‘min server memory’ was set to a low value.

SQL does not really release memory

This will probably get me into a bit of trouble, as there are KBs that clearly state that SQL Server releases memory when the OS is under pressure.
True, but only when it’s under a lot of pressure (although this is getting better with each version of SQL Server), and by then it’s often too late as the system is usually in such a degraded state by that stage that a restart is necessary.
That’s why it’s vital to set an upper limit on its memory usage via the ‘max server memory’ setting.
(Edit [20110627): Speaking from experience, this problem manifested itself most noticeably on SQL Server 2000 and earlier but the problem seems to have disappeared from SQL 2005 onwards. Let me know if you disagree (and send me the evidence!)).

Memory corruption

Slightly off-topic, but this is an appropriate place to bring this up.
Certain builds of Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 contained a potentially serious memory corruption problem which affected SQL Server more than other applications, mainly because there are few applications that run on Windows that can utilise the amount of memory SQL Server does.
It's difficult to overstate the problems this can cause, so make sure you're on the appropriate Windows Service Packs if you're running SQL Server on a PAE enabled system.
Another issue that arose in SQL Server 2000 SP4 was a bug that meant SQL Server only saw half the memory on awe enabled systems, although it was identified quickly and the hotfix for this was placed alongside the SP4 download.

32-bit SQL Server on 64-bit Windows

If you 32-bit SQL Server on 64-bit Windows the SQL Server process can access the entire 4 GB VAS.

Checking SQL Server's memory usage

This is another area where there is lot of confusion, so below is a run-through of the most common methods for confirming SQL Server's memory usage.

Ignore Task Manager

If you have an awe enabled SQL Server instance, do not rely on Task Manager to display memory usage as it does not show the AWE memory a process is using, so the memory usage figure it presents for the SQL Server process (sqlservr.exe) will be incorrect.


Running the above command outputs the memory usage of SQL Server including how that memory is allocated, so unless you need to know how and where that memory is being used, the output it generates can be a bit bewildering. The important bits of this output pertaining to SQL Server's total memory usage are as follows:

Buffer Counts                  Buffers
------------------------------ --------------------
Committed                      3872
Target                         65536
Hashed                         2485
Stolen Potential               60972
External Reservation           0
Min Free                       64
Visible                        65536
Available Paging File          702099

The key figures in the above output are committed, target and hashed.
Committed is the amount of memory in use by the buffer pool and includes AWE pages.
Target is how big SQL Server wants the buffer to grow, so you can infer from this whether SQL Server wants more memory or is releasing memory.
There's an excellent KB on interpreting all the output INF: Using DBCC MEMORYSTATUS to Monitor SQL Server Memory Usage for SQL Server 2000 and How to use the DBCC MEMORYSTATUS command to monitor memory usage on SQL Server 2005.
Edit (05/02/09): Remember the buffer count numbers refer to pages of memory which are 8K in SQL Server

System Monitor (perfmon)

Perfect way to get a quick reference on exactly how much memory SQL Server is using at that moment. Start System Monitor and add the SQL Server: Memory Manager: Total Server Memory (KB) counter.
Replace "SQL Server" with MSSQL$ and the name of the named instance if it's not a default instance, e.g. MSSQL$INSTANCE1.

'Total' memory usage

When trying to establish exactly how much memory SQL Server is using it's not just the buffer pool memory you have look at, but the MemToLeave area as well. The key point to bear in mind here is that it's not only SQL Server that can make allocations from this latter area of memory but third party processes as well, which can make it impossible to precisely account for SQL Server's absolute memory usage, contrary to some myths out there about calculating SQL Server's memory usage via e.g. DBCC MEMORYSTATUS, as such methods can only account for SQL Server's own memory allocations and not allocations by foreign processes.
Edit [20110627]: Soft NUMA section removed.


I mentioned at the start of this post that all you have to worry about for 64-bit SQL Server is setting a max memory limit as SQL Server can access all the memory current Windows operating systems can support, and 8 TB in total. That’s mostly true, with the exception of a certain privilege that the SQL Server service account needs, and that’s the ‘Lock Pages in Memory’ privilege.
This privilege is vital as it prevents the OS from paging out SQL Server memory to the swap file.
With the introduction of SQL Server 2005, this right was restricted on 64-bit Windows to only take effect on Enterprise Editions of SQL Server, so if you’re wondering why your huge new multi-gigabyte multi-core 64-bit system is paging like crazy, this might be why. [Edit: This has finally been reversed for both SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 Standard Editions:http://blogs.msdn.com/psssql/archive/2009/04/24/sql-server-locked-pages-and-standard-sku.aspx
Whilst we’re on the subject of paging on 64-bit SQL Server systems, take a look at the following KB:
How to reduce paging of buffer pool memory in the 64-bit version of SQL Server 2005 which covers issues a number of issues that cause SQL Server’s (Standard or Enterprise editions) memory to be paged out.

In summary…

The table below describes how much memory SQL Server can use, and assumes an edition of SQL Server that has no internal limitations as to how much memory it can use, e.g. Express and Workgroup editions are limited to 1 GB and 3GB respectively.
SQL Server typeInstalled physical memory
Up to 4GBMore than 4GB (/PAE enabled 1)
32-bit SQL ServerDefault memory usageWith /3GB 2All available RAM3
2 GB3 GB
64-bit SQL ServerAll available RAM 3

1 Not all 32-bit systems now need to have /PAE explicitly set in boot.ini for the OS to see more than 4 GB of RAM 2. Assuming /USERVA switch has not been used to tune memory usage to between 2 GB and 3 GB 3. Assuming 'max server memory' is left on defaults, otherwise SQL Server will use no more memory than that stipulated by the 'max server memory'setting. 
When I started this post I wanted to keep it as short and succinct as possible, but there’s a lot more to configuring SQL Server’s memory usage than simply setting a ‘max server memory’ limit. Configuring SQL Server’s memory settings can be quite a complex undertaking, especially in a 32-bit environment. It’s not easy to cover all the pertinent points without branching off and describing the different areas of its memory architecture, although I’ve tried to provide the relevant information without going into too much detail.
Hopefully, this blog has clarified how to configure SQL Server’s memory usage and provided enough information to answer most memory configuration related questions, although, as you might have guessed, there’s no black-and-white way of precisely determining SQL Server’s memory usage as there are so many external processes that can make allocations from within SQL Server’s address space…
Thanks also to Jonathan Keheyias for additional information and comments on this post. Please readhis post on this topic if you want to delve a bit deeper.

Useful links

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Contributors: Stuart Ozer, with Prem Mehra and Kevin Cox
Technical Reviewers: Lubor Kollar, Thomas Kejser, Denny Lee, Jimmy May, Michael Redman, Sanjay Mishra
Building a large scale relational data warehouse is a complex task. This article describes some design techniques that can help in architecting an efficient large scale relational data warehouse with SQL Server. Most large scale data warehouses use table and index partitioning, and therefore, many of the recommendations here involve partitioning. Most of these tips are based on experiences building large data warehouses on SQL Server 2005.
Consider partitioning large fact tables 
  • Consider partitioning fact tables that are 50 to 100GB or larger.
  • Partitioning can provide manageability and often performance benefits.
    • Faster, more granular index maintenance.
    • More flexible backup / restore options.
    • Faster data loading and deleting
  • Faster queries when restricted to a single partition..
  • Typically partition the fact table on the date key.
    • Enables sliding window.
  • Enables partition elimination.
Build clustered index on the date key of the fact table
  • This supports efficient queries to populate cubes or retrieve a historical data slice.
  • If you load data in a batch window then use the options ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = OFF and ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF for the clustered index on the fact table. This helps speed up table scan operations during query time and helps avoid excessive locking activity during large updates.
  • Build nonclustered indexes for each foreign key. This helps ‘pinpoint queries' to extract rows based on a selective dimension predicate.Use filegroups for administration requirements such as backup / restore, partial database availability, etc.
Choose partition grain carefully
  • Most customers use month, quarter, or year.
  • For efficient deletes, you must delete one full partition at a time.
  • It is faster to load a complete partition at a time.
    • Daily partitions for daily loads may be an attractive option.
    • However, keep in mind that a table can have a maximum of 1000 partitions.
  • Partition grain affects query parallelism.
    • For SQL Server 2005:
      • Queries touching a single partition can parallelize up to MAXDOP (maximum degree of parallelism).
      • Queries touching multiple partitions use one thread per partition up to MAXDOP.
    • For SQL Server 2008:
      • Parallel threads up to MAXDOP are distributed proportionally to scan partitions, and multiple threads per partition may be used even when several partitions must be scanned.
  • Avoid a partition design where only 2 or 3 partitions are touched by frequent queries, if you need MAXDOP parallelism (assuming MAXDOP =4 or larger). 
Design dimension tables appropriately
  • Use integer surrogate keys for all dimensions, other than the Date dimension. Use the smallest possible integer for the dimension surrogate keys. This helps to keep fact table narrow.
  • Use a meaningful date key of integer type derivable from the DATETIME data type (for example: 20060215).
    • Don't use a surrogate Key for the Date dimension
    • Easy to write queries that put a WHERE clause on this column, which will allow partition elimination of the fact table.
  • Build a clustered index on the surrogate key for each dimension table, and build a non-clustered index on the Business Key (potentially combined with a row-effective-date) to support surrogate key lookups during loads.
  • Build nonclustered indexes on other frequently searched dimension columns.
  • Avoid partitioning dimension tables.
  • Avoid enforcing foreign key relationships between the fact and the dimension tables, to allow faster data loads. You can create foreign key constraints with NOCHECK to document the relationships; but don’t enforce them. Ensure data integrity though Transform Lookups, or perform the data integrity checks at the source of the data.
Write effective queries for partition elimination
  • Whenever possible, place a query predicate (WHERE condition) directly on the partitioning key (Date dimension key) of the fact table.
Use Sliding Window technique to maintain data
  • Maintain a rolling time window for online access to the fact tables. Load newest data, unload oldest data.
  • Always keep empty partitions at both ends of the partition range to guarantee that the partition split (before loading new data) and partition merge (after unloading old data) do not incur any data movement.
  • Avoid split or merge of populated partitions. Splitting or merging populated partitions can be extremely inefficient, as this may cause as much as 4 times more log generation, and also cause severe locking.
  • Create the load staging table in the same filegroup as the partition you are loading.
  • Create the unload staging table in the same filegroup as the partition you are deleteing.
  • It is fastest to load newest full partition at one time, but only possible when partition size is equal to the data load frequency (for example, you have one partition per day, and you load data once per day).
  • If the partition size doesn't match the data load frequency, incrementally load the latest partition.
  • Various options for loading bulk data into a partitioned table are discussed in the whitepaperhttp://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/bestpractice/loading_bulk_data_partitioned_table.mspx.
  • Always unload one partition at a time.
Efficiently load the initial data
  • Use SIMPLE or BULK LOGGED recovery model during the initial data load.
  • Create the partitioned fact table with the Clustered index.
  • Create non-indexed staging tables for each partition, and separate source data files for populating each partition.
  • Populate the staging tables in parallel.
    • Use multiple BULK INSERT, BCP or SSIS tasks.
      • Create as many load scripts to run in parallel as there are CPUs, if there is no IO bottleneck. If IO bandwidth is limited, use fewer scripts in parallel.
      • Use 0 batch size in the load.
      • Use 0 commit size in the load.
      • Use TABLOCK.
      • Use BULK INSERT if the sources are flat files on the same server. Use BCP or SSIS if data is being pushed from remote machines.
  • Build a clustered index on each staging table, then create appropriate CHECK constraints.
  • SWITCH all partitions into the partitioned table.
  • Build nonclustered indexes on the partitioned table.
  • Possible to load 1 TB in under an hour on a 64-CPU server with a SAN capable of 14 GB/Sec throughput (non-indexed table). Refer to SQLCAT blog entry http://blogs.msdn.com/sqlcat/archive/2006/05/19/602142.aspx for details.
Efficiently delete old data
  • Use partition switching whenever possible.
  • To delete millions of rows from nonpartitioned, indexed tables
    • Avoid DELETE FROM ...WHERE ...
      • Huge locking and logging issues
      • Long rollback if the delete is canceled
    • Usually faster to
      • INSERT the records to keep into a non-indexed table
      • Create index(es) on the table
      • Rename the new table to replace the original
  • As an alternative, ‘trickle' deletes using the following repeatedly in a loop

    DELETE TOP (1000) ... ;

  • Another alternative is to update the row to mark as deleted, then delete later during non critical time.
Manage statistics manually
  • Statistics on partitioned tables are maintained for the table as a whole.
  • Manually update statistics on large fact tables after loading new data.
  • Manually update statistics after rebuilding index on a partition.
  • If you regularly update statistics after periodic loads, you may turn off autostats on that table.
  • This is important for optimizing queries that may need to read only the newest data.
  • Updating statistics on small dimension tables after incremental loads may also help performance. Use FULLSCAN option on update statistics on dimension tables for more accurate query plans.
Consider efficient backup strategies
  • Backing up the entire database may take significant amount of time for a very large database.
    • For example, backing up a 2 TB database to a 10-spindle RAID-5 disk on a SAN may take 2 hours (at the rate 275 MB/sec).
  • Snapshot backup using SAN technology is a very good option.
  • Reduce the volume of data to backup regularly.
    • The filegroups for the historical partitions can be marked as READ ONLY.
    • Perform a filegroup backup once when a filegroup becomes read-only.
    • Perform regular backups only on the read / write filegroups.
  • Note that RESTOREs of the read-only filegroups cannot be performed in parallel.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Builder (Design Patterns)


Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different representations.

UML class diagram


    The classes and/or objects participating in this pattern are:
  • Builder  (VehicleBuilder)
    • specifies an abstract interface for creating parts of a Product object
  • ConcreteBuilder  (MotorCycleBuilder, CarBuilder, ScooterBuilder)
    • constructs and assembles parts of the product by implementing the Builder interface
    • defines and keeps track of the representation it creates
    • provides an interface for retrieving the product
  • Director  (Shop)
    • constructs an object using the Builder interface
  • Product  (Vehicle)
    • represents the complex object under construction. ConcreteBuilder builds the product's internal representation and defines the process by which it's assembled
    • includes classes that define the constituent parts, including interfaces for assembling the parts into the final result

sample code in C#

This structural code demonstrates the Builder pattern in which complex objects are created in a step-by-step fashion. The construction process can create different object representations and provides a high level of control over the assembly of the objects.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace DoFactory.GangOfFour.Builder.Structural
  /// <summary>
  /// MainApp startup class for Structural
  /// Builder Design Pattern.
  /// </summary>
  public class MainApp
    /// <summary>
    /// Entry point into console application.
    /// </summary>
    public static void Main()
      // Create director and builders
      Director director = new Director();

      Builder b1 = new ConcreteBuilder1();
      Builder b2 = new ConcreteBuilder2();

      // Construct two products
      Product p1 = b1.GetResult();

      Product p2 = b2.GetResult();

      // Wait for user

  /// <summary>
  /// The 'Director' class
  /// </summary>
  class Director
    // Builder uses a complex series of steps
    public void Construct(Builder builder)

  /// <summary>
  /// The 'Builder' abstract class
  /// </summary>
  abstract class Builder
    public abstract void BuildPartA();
    public abstract void BuildPartB();
    public abstract Product GetResult();

  /// <summary>
  /// The 'ConcreteBuilder1' class
  /// </summary>
  class ConcreteBuilder1 : Builder
    private Product _product = new Product();

    public override void BuildPartA()

    public override void BuildPartB()

    public override Product GetResult()
      return _product;

  /// <summary>
  /// The 'ConcreteBuilder2' class
  /// </summary>
  class ConcreteBuilder2 : Builder
    private Product _product = new Product();

    public override void BuildPartA()

    public override void BuildPartB()

    public override Product GetResult()
      return _product;

  /// <summary>
  /// The 'Product' class
  /// </summary>
  class Product
    private List<string> _parts = new List<string>();

    public void Add(string part)

    public void Show()
      Console.WriteLine("\nProduct Parts -------");
      foreach (string part in _parts)

Product Parts -------

Product Parts -------

This real-world code demonstates the Builder pattern in which different vehicles are assembled in a step-by-step fashion. The Shop uses VehicleBuilders to construct a variety of Vehicles in a series of sequential steps.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace DoFactory.GangOfFour.Builder.RealWorld
  /// <summary>
  /// MainApp startup class for Real-World
  /// Builder Design Pattern.
  /// </summary>
  public class MainApp
    /// <summary>
    /// Entry point into console application.
    /// </summary>
    public static void Main()
      VehicleBuilder builder;

      // Create shop with vehicle builders
      Shop shop = new Shop();

      // Construct and display vehicles
      builder = new ScooterBuilder();

      builder = new CarBuilder();

      builder = new MotorCycleBuilder();

      // Wait for user

  /// <summary>
  /// The 'Director' class
  /// </summary>
  class Shop
    // Builder uses a complex series of steps
    public void Construct(VehicleBuilder vehicleBuilder)

  /// <summary>
  /// The 'Builder' abstract class
  /// </summary>
  abstract class VehicleBuilder
    protected Vehicle vehicle;

    // Gets vehicle instance
    public Vehicle Vehicle
      get { return vehicle; }

    // Abstract build methods
    public abstract void BuildFrame();
    public abstract void BuildEngine();
    public abstract void BuildWheels();
    public abstract void BuildDoors();

  /// <summary>
  /// The 'ConcreteBuilder1' class
  /// </summary>
  class MotorCycleBuilder : VehicleBuilder
    public MotorCycleBuilder()
      vehicle = new Vehicle("MotorCycle");

    public override void BuildFrame()
      vehicle["frame"] = "MotorCycle Frame";

    public override void BuildEngine()
      vehicle["engine"] = "500 cc";

    public override void BuildWheels()
      vehicle["wheels"] = "2";

    public override void BuildDoors()
      vehicle["doors"] = "0";

  /// <summary>
  /// The 'ConcreteBuilder2' class
  /// </summary>
  class CarBuilder : VehicleBuilder
    public CarBuilder()
      vehicle = new Vehicle("Car");

    public override void BuildFrame()
      vehicle["frame"] = "Car Frame";

    public override void BuildEngine()
      vehicle["engine"] = "2500 cc";

    public override void BuildWheels()
      vehicle["wheels"] = "4";

    public override void BuildDoors()
      vehicle["doors"] = "4";

  /// <summary>
  /// The 'ConcreteBuilder3' class
  /// </summary>
  class ScooterBuilder : VehicleBuilder
    public ScooterBuilder()
      vehicle = new Vehicle("Scooter");

    public override void BuildFrame()
      vehicle["frame"] = "Scooter Frame";

    public override void BuildEngine()
      vehicle["engine"] = "50 cc";

    public override void BuildWheels()
      vehicle["wheels"] = "2";

    public override void BuildDoors()
      vehicle["doors"] = "0";

  /// <summary>
  /// The 'Product' class
  /// </summary>
  class Vehicle
    private string _vehicleType;
    private Dictionary<string,string> _parts =
      new Dictionary<string,string>();

    // Constructor
    public Vehicle(string vehicleType)
      this._vehicleType = vehicleType;

    // Indexer
    public string this[string key]
      get { return _parts[key]; }
      set { _parts[key] = value; }

    public void Show()
      Console.WriteLine("Vehicle Type: {0}", _vehicleType);
      Console.WriteLine(" Frame : {0}", _parts["frame"]);
      Console.WriteLine(" Engine : {0}", _parts["engine"]);
      Console.WriteLine(" #Wheels: {0}", _parts["wheels"]);
      Console.WriteLine(" #Doors : {0}", _parts["doors"]);

Vehicle Type: Scooter
 Frame  : Scooter Frame
 Engine : none
 #Wheels: 2
 #Doors : 0

Vehicle Type: Car
 Frame  : Car Frame
 Engine : 2500 cc
 #Wheels: 4
 #Doors : 4

Vehicle Type: MotorCycle
 Frame  : MotorCycle Frame
 Engine : 500 cc
 #Wheels: 2
 #Doors : 0

This .NET optimized code demonstrates the same real-world situation as above but uses modern, built-in .NET features, such as, generics, reflection, object initializers, automatic properties, etc.